Photo of John Unger hugging his dog

Photo of John Unger hugging his dog - After 18 years of friendship, a man from Wisconsin, United States (U.S.), trying to calm the dog in the last days of his life. As reported by the NY Daily News this week. The photo shows John Unger hugging the dog, of mixed type Shepherd, asleep under a trend in cyberspace and shows the closeness between humans and dogs. A professional photographer, Hannah Stonehouse Hudson, managed to capture this beautiful moment in Bayfield's Reiten Beach, Lake Superior. Unger (49) asked him to photograph the beautiful moments with her ​​beloved dog named Schoep who is now suffering from inflammation of the bone. Unger Schoep adopted about 18 years ago and then abandoned and abused dogs. He said he had long waited for the good times she was photographed with her dog and when he saw Schoep was limping he knew his life was no longer. via

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